Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Objective Program Throughout 2013

In case you haven't noticed yet, we are living in a post American world in the midst of the most modern lifestyle.

The Philippines is receiving a plethora of accolades from different news agencies and economic fora internationally. Nonetheless, a sea of issues are needed to be addressed and projects are to be implemented, solutions are to be done if we really want to take this praises into the lowest level. By that we mean, acceptance of those in the impoverished community who are4 still thinking of how to lift themselves up from misery caused by extreme poverty. Yes there is a thick poverty line in this country.

Surviving the doomsday prophecies is not enough. Yes, it's 2013 and a lot of works are to be done.

Last year, HSBC forecasted that given sufficient resources, the Philippines can rise to number 16 in the world's rank of economies 40 years after. If that is true, we have to make actions now to realize the prediction. I did my Math and there is a probability that most of us will still be alive by that time. We must enjoy that period when the Philippines is among the most equipped and economically stable nation competitive enough to survive another doomsday in a century.

In just a few weeks, we will be having the mid-term election. That is the time when we have to elect another 12 senators and the local government officials. Though we are not to replace a president and a vice president, it is still a crucial event for the political mobility of the Philippines. And just the same, we noticed that several citizens are not deeply and madly concern with what will be the outcome of this. Voting wisely has become a cliche never understood in the mass level.

What are we to look for in a candidate? We have to set the requirements early this time so we can outweigh who has the most of capacities to seat in senate and congress and who can better government our local regions and districts.

Sustainable development, job generating economy, increase in labor friendly environment, and vision to move forward in a quasi federal government are just few of the things you have to look for in a senator.

Definitely, and I have to say it again, definitely this is the most conducive time to change the constitution. Our constitution is no different from an expired chocolate cake. We cannot eat it anymore. The Philippines has to level the playing field by allowing the foreign investors own the possessed businesses here. It should be more rural friendly. It has to improve the rural areas just to decentralize the enormously contested Metro Manila. Empower the provinces and let it create an environment where businesses can thrive.

I am not for BPO industry. It already costs us a lot of risk. Health risk. That includes the balloon of AIDS cases. Too many drunkards at night which resulted to crime. Crime increased because of the BPO sector. Most of the victims of robbers at midnight are call center agents.

I am for agriculture. The Philippines was made a colony of Spain because of agricultural products. It is the best we can offer the world. United States can offer you the latest military technology and latest gadgets to make your life easier but without the foods coming from our agriculture industry no person can live another day to purchase an iPad.

The Philippines must strive to be the green capital of the world.

I am for tourism. We have to preserved our wildlife and natural sights so we can be a viable tourist destination. That will bring us to the issue of mining. I am not totally against mining because without it, I cannot write in a desktop or text my sister abroad thru my cell phone. Most of the things we have at home and offices are products of mining including your TV remote control. So mining is good only to the extent of legality. I am for responsble-mitigated mining in this country. We have had enough so we need to reforestrate and in due time when the land is ready we can have mining again.

I am for the proliferation of the arts. See what the candidates want to offer us. If they are not in line with this, we hope that their platforms are better. There are a lot of projects to be done. In the mean time, let's contemplate on these.

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