Sunday, December 12, 2010

Joyful Sunday

Let us think about our soul for a while now. It is Sunday and the heck of this busy world often makes us forget that it is Advent Season more than it is a shopping season.

Last Sunday I gave an entry which is a reflection about the coming of Jesus in Christmas, in our hearts, and in the parousia. The Sunday before that, I reflected on the meaning of waiting. Now we are about to complete the dissected statement reflection on the meaning of advent which is ...Joyful Waiting and Preparation for the Coming of Christ. Only one more idea is left for us to ponder, that is Joyful.

In line with that thought is our celebration of Gaudete Sunday which literally means joyful Sunday. Gaudium, root word of gaudete, is a Latin word which means Joy. One of the most maximized documents of Vatican II is Gaudium et Spes which literally translated as "Joy and Hope" that blinks us to the light of our mission as Chirstians to be bearer of happiness, peace and hope to everybody [alegra, paz, ezperensa].

I am about to start now a deeper look into the meaning of joy. I will start it by stating what joy is not so as to avoid ambiguity and confusion in the word.

> first of all, joy is not amazement. Amazement is simply a form of wonder. Joy is a deeper appreciation of everything. For example, one may feel awe with nature because of seeing it first time but after seeing it again and again, the awe is diminished. Joy is different. It makes one appreciate what nature presents even amidst the storms and famine. Joy is coming from within.

> Joy is not pleasure. Pleasure is very dependent on stimuli. If the stimulus is removed, one cannot enjoy pleasure anymore. Joy is not only achieved through sensation but obtained in peacefulness, calmness, and discipline.

>Joy is not even hilarity. being hilarious is a sign of too much immaturity while joy is a happiness that comes from responsible and sensitive personality. It is a manifestation of satisfaction brought by unending fulfillment while hilarity is often a mark of finding what is humorous even in the fault of one or even at the expense of another's shame.

In all those three concepts viz-a-viz joy, we find one lcd [least common denominator]. All of them are temporary. Joy is a an eternal satisfaction of the soul not brought by sensation or emotional feelings but by something more than that. I can say even that it is holistic.

In today's Gospel Reading, Jesus is giving us [through John the Baptist] reasons to rejoice. The joy similar to a blind man who regain sight. The joy in knowing that the lame are now walking, dumb are now speaking, poor are now hearing the good news. Of course, they are not only physical attributes. They are symbolic of Jesus' mission, something higher than that physical liberation. That can also mean to say that the confused are enlightened, the oppressed are emancipated, the weak and victims of injustices and sicknesses found solace in the Lord. They are all reasons to rejoice, to be in Joy.

Jesus is telling the disciples of John that it more than physical liberation from ailment bondage that He is here. Look, the sinners are finding joy in him also. They are turning from their evil ways and reconciling with the Lord is the first thing they want to do. That is the joy of advent. That is the celebration we want to remember today, Gaudete Sunday. That while waiting we can find joy.

Seven years ago, I found myself in the park waiting for my friends from another section to arrive. They were coming from Tagaytay City and just had their 3 day pre graduation retreat. I almost gave up in waiting. I was alone in there while some students are passing by seeing me without company. I am just telling myself that soon they are coming. And so they came. You could just imagine the joy in my heart seeing them again after three days of absence in my life.

We went to the house of one of my friends, Jenna. There they told me stories of how the activities went on. If not for my waiting alone, I couldn't have catch them as they come. That was one of the most beautiful I day I remember up to now.

So is every Christian allowed to experience such joy. I hope not exclusively today but all through the years.

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