Sunday, February 6, 2011


Today we hear of Christ telling us that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. A favorite passage of mine in the Gospel of Matthew.

After celebrating my birthday yesterday,It is very vital to reflect on how I, after 24 years, became a light to the lives of many and what are my future discernment so I could shed light to people around me. How can I become a salt? A question which you can only answer if you knew the qualities and properties of a salt.

There are salt in the sea but they never have any meaning to a person until it is used at home. Even if it is at home, salt inside a jar glass won't make any difference unless used for food. Only when you cook a dish or bake a pie can you appreciate the usefulness of salt.

What is so Christian with salt is that you cannot bake a bread without it yet people never see a salt in a bread, a biscuit, or a pie. That is how we Christians work. We bring changes to the world but unnoticeable to others. For if we are noticeable, we will become the stars. We only have one star and that is Jesus.

You don't look at the light. You need light so you can look directly to an object without blurred disturbances. We are the light point to Jesus so that others could see Him with their naked eyes. Only with the light we can be able to walk a street at night and yet never lose sight.

We all need light. Jesus illumined the path for us. To illumine is what we should do so we can bring more souls to heaven, to Jesus. That is why Jesus is saying that if a light is placed underneath, what is the use of it. If a salt is stored inside the container and not applied to a dish, what then is its meaning?

If a person studies so hard, underwent all necessary trainings to become educated and yet never had a ministry in the Catholic Church or any Christian denomination, what then is that person's intelligence for? If a man possesses all wealth and large networks and assets but do not give alms to the poor nor donate in any charitable institutions nor give offerings every Sunday in the mass, then perhaps his wealth is meant to be burned and banished.

Why is it that too many people collect so many things? They collect money, friends, memorabilia, souvenirs, pictures,informations even wives and lose their focus in the end. Jesus is telling us that maybe we are too bombarded of collecting things but after collecting it we just look at it and say "Oh how marvelous is my collection."
When the essence of collecting lies when all collected things are put into greater works. You gathers stones to build a house. You gather water in a pale to wash something. You gather money to buy something that will make you better. You gather friends so you will have companions in the Christian work. And yes, you gather salts to pour it in a pan so you can cook.

We are the salt. If I just stayed inside my room and study until I die, what then is my knowledge for? Only when they are used in the glory of God can they become meaningful.

What is your treasure? Maybe God is asking you to give it away.
What are the things you are collecting for so long now? God doesn't need a gallery. He needs you to use it. We should not be contented in amassing more. We should be concerned in giving more.

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