Friday, April 2, 2010

Thank God It's Good Friday

What seem to be the most tragic day of human history turned out to be a day of liberation for all of us... Enough to call it Good

I know it is not Sunday yet... but this one is written so we can focus on the lessons we need to learn from the Crucifixion and Death of Jesus.

I attended the Veneration of the Cross just as every Catholic Christian should do. One of the longest Gospel Reading is of today. Still the San Pablo choir did quite well the reading---they sang it. it took less than an hour listening to Gospel alone. Imagine the Gospel of John chapters 18-19 and that was sang. The choir sang it very reverently and almost flawless, I said almost. I was touched by the richness of our liturgy and of how the cross was unveiled; how the Gospel was sung; how the homily was delivered; how the prayers of the faithful was organized; and how the people of the Lord occupied the entire San Pablo Cathedral. My seatmate almost collapsed due to the lack of ventilation and overcrowding. I was there enjoying every bit of how the liturgy flows. The celebration is centered on the cross. 400 years of executing criminals allowed the Phoenicians to perfect and master the best way of torturing an individuals and I said as far as their time is concerned, nailing a person on the cross is the best way to torture a criminal. Jesus experienced the most hostile way of human torture during those time. He was a criminal in the sight of the Jewish people. That in exchange for the life of Barabbas, He was killed. And you know that you, your loved ones, me... we are Barabbas. In exchange of our lives, Jesus freely accepted the death on the cross.

Different Approaches of Crucifixion

What does the cross mean for Jesus?
= A sign of His love. A bridge to connect us to His father. the greatest act of a friend.

What does the cross mean for John?
= Reception. Receiving a new mission. Receiving a Mother. Receiving a home. Receiving Mary.

What does the cross mean for Mary Magdalene?
= Recovery. A testament of her new life. A testament of being saved.

What does the cross mean for the repentant thief?
= A gate pass to paradise. A vehicle to heaven. The only way to meet his forgiveness. The only chance to change the reason for living. Before, he was living to steal material things... Now he is begging to receive heavenly treasure.

What does the cross mean for the soldier who speared Jesus?
= A new sight. The fountain of life. The fulfillment of prophecy. The respect for ones' body.

What does the cross mean to you?

and I say again

What does the cross mean to you?

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