Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Changing Plans

What is required of me? I have fixed my plans and schedules for this week but because of uncontrollable circumstances, that include the disturbing weather, I was forced to do otherwise. Looking for a better option is always a mark of a practical person. I was so reluctant to go to Manila and I don't know why. Neither do I want to stay in Laguna and linger [I fear that if I do that, I will be letting time pass and rob me of greater opportunities lying in my future]. I don't know. I just feel I need to justify my act. I promised my Mom that by Tuesday I'll be in Manila but it is almost Wednesday [and Tuesday is turning her lights off], and here I am still.

Monday woke me up with rains pouring on the rooftop like staggering knives ready to crunch the sentenced culprit. I zipped my hot chocolate with uneasiness. I am not yet prepared for the task I laid, this week, on my shoulders. And so the canceling. Instead I went to two of my friends. First to Isaac who was in the house to help me for some computer works. Second, after a while, I went to Liliw so I could have little conversations with Ron-Ron. I stayed until 12 high noon [unexpectedly]. I was surprised to see that I was late for lunch. Afternoon still gave me that feeling of the unknown and observed with keen eyes how the rains affect the planet.

This morning, I rose from bed earlier than usual. I had ample time to pray and attend to God. Enough time to sit and be calm. I guess Tuesday is a give away. I feel it was God whispering to me in the cool breeze of dawn. I uttered the words coming from a heart that is full of restlessness.

"Heavenly Father, only one God, you know how much we adore you. You silence the noises in our hearts, You brought forth peace in our restless souls, You are the only God I trust. I am so blessed to be loved by You as your graces abounds. But Lord, I am full of unease and I don't have reasons for it. I know that You speak to me in an unknown condition and I know without You I will falter. Only can answer my insecurities and to You alone can I inquire without any fear of receiving a wrong answer.

Strengthen me as I face this day with worries of making wrong choices. I know that any decisions I will make, if only consulted from You, will prosper. I believe You. I am laying my 100% trust on You. All these I am asking in Jesus' name. Amen"

To those who celebrate their birthdays today, Happy Birthday!!!

The Lord is giving away many blessings today... I believe.

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