Sunday, January 30, 2011

Always Blessed

How do you feel when you see a child so impoverished that has n shelter to run for comfort? What do you think of group of people in the street? Do you think hey are cursed?

Sometimes we ask God why is there poverty in this world. Why the illnesses and the disasters? Why the so many marginalized and oppressed people? Why? Then after a while we will remember that yes this isn't a perfect world. It is then that we will remember that because of these, there is a Church. The Church exists for these people and for the purpose of making a difference.

Al through his public ministry--of preaching exactly--Jesus is speaking about the Church. The parables about the Kingdom of Heaven are meant for both the heaven after death and the Kingdom of God on earth. The kingdom of God on earth is the Church. Whenever there are people gathered together in the name of the Holy Trinity, there is the Kingdom of God. That is why the Church has preferential option for the poor. The duty of the Church is to dispense blessings for the poor and in so doing making them blessed.

One of the juxtapositions we can find in the Bible is Jesus' sermon on the mount when he delivered the Beatitudes. It is on the mount that God the Father handed to Moses the copy of the Ten Commandments carved in tablets of stone. In the same way, on the mount, Jesus gave the eight beatitudes to the disciples. Brightness amidst darkness; happiness amidst sorrows; heaven while on earth...these are the crux of Jesus' teachings. That we be able to see light no matter how blurred is the world before us. To see the bigger picture and to experience the dynamism of God whatever is the situation.

In the first reading taken from Zephaniah 2:3;3:12-13, the prophet vented of how blessed are the people of God. God is providing not only material gifts to people but more than that is the protection from enemies. Moreover, Saint Paul himself testifies to the truthfulness of the juxtaposition.It is the foolish of this world that was chosen by God to shame the wise. It is the weakest of this world chosen by God to shame the strong. Only in God can we ever boast.Let anyone who boast, according to Paul, boast of the Lord.

Now we turn again our gaze on Jesus. Jesus is encouraging the depressed people, the people of his generation under the oppression of Rome and of their customary religion. More than that, Jesus is speaking of encouragement to you and me. The Beatitudes must be mantra of every Christians. It is the poor, the oppressed, and the people who depend on God alone who can share of the Kingdom. They will experience the promise of God not only after this life but even here on earth.

One great example of this is Lazarus. The rich man oversaw him. The rich man ignored his existence. never in Lazarus' lifetime did he experience the favor of anyone. Only after his death, he was welcomed in the Bosom of Abraham while the rich man suffered in torment. It is not because Lazarus was poor that he merited heaven. Likewise, it is not because the rich man was wealthy that he was thrown to Hades. It is because of their acts. Lazarus depended on God after all. He never cursed the rich man. He did not sin even if life is not treating him fair. He trusted solely on God.

Very timely is the Gospel reading. Too many families are grieving because of the two incidents that happened in Makati. The failies of the bus bombing vctims and the construction site malfunctions. Jesus wants them to hear "Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted."

God knows your pains.
God knows your sorrows.
God is eagerly waiting fr you...

Turn o him and withdraw all that burdens. Jesus came here to give you REST. If you are loaded and feeling life's heaviness; if you are tired and toiling more than you can bear... here is a God who is ready to give yoke that is easy and burdens that are light. Give it to Jesus. Don't ever think you are not blessed. We may never understand how, but we are certain that Jesus do not lie. Blessings are here.

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