Sunday, April 17, 2011

back to sunday after six years

What else is so wonderful about life. It let's you go back on the same day of the same date after quite some years. It makes the memories fresher, the scenery greener, and the feelings lighter.

I can't believe it's been six years after that chance. Should I call it chance? How much do I believe in chance? Do I resign in chance more than I do for fate? Was it all a parcel of a perfect plan of a Mighty reality? or should I cling to those memories which leaves the memoirs of life incomplete and shallow when it comes to the tales of romance?

In a lazy Sunday while on vacation, all I could think of is to watch the time flies until it is my best friend's birthday. Well, the next Sunday after that Sunday is already his birthday. That's all I have in my life then. Plus a tiny hope that too soon I will be able to behold the face of the woman I love the most.

Nothing else in that day plays important. I went to the house of a friend and happened to be in company of both that friend and my cousin who was first to arrived there. You don't want to know what film they were watching when I arrived. So for their security and avoidance from shame, I'll not be mentioning their names. That was 4 in the afternoon. We had some chats and laughters and after a while I remembered I have to attend to my Sunday obligation which I almost forgot. I went to Liliw instead of hearing the mass in Nagcarlan.

So that's it. That was a Sunday and it is also a Sunday today. I know you already have an idea what happened in the Church that afternoon. Just when I'm contented that nothing extraordinary will happen for that Sunday, the goddess fell from heaven and she was right exactly before my eyes. The empress was wearing an orange sleeveless shirt with her hair still undried by the sun or by her blower. That is tantamount to saying she's fresh from bathing. Her jeans compliments her rubber shoes that fits her elegant feet. And there she stayed, as I stand in the simplest corner of that building. She was with her sisters. She was there so divine. And next week after that is Dan's birthday.

It is on this day that I am celebrating those memories of her in my head and heart. It is on this very lovely Sunday that the thermal intensity of the sun shines so bright and ready to ignite the feelings I had back then. Those were precious days carved in the heart that chooses not to forget. After six years, here I am waiting for her again to be seen by my naked eyes.


A sad news shocked the entire showbiz industry this morning as Antonello Perez also known as AJ Perez of ABS-CBN Star Magic died due to a road accident last midnight. Aj was on his way home asleep inside his truck when they collided with a passenger vehicle larger than theirs. So long to AJ. He was an inspiration to most teens of this day and a potential actor for tomorrow. A celebrity loved by Nagcarlenos; being here for quite some time as they taped the TV Series "Sabel" co-staring Jessie Mendiola. Let us all pray for the soul of AJ and may there be no more accidents to happen while on the road.

"AJ may you rest in peace" we really do not know life at all. Please do not waste a single moment of it.

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