Sunday, June 20, 2010

Learning To Recognize Identity

I am always in relation to whatever. I am son of..., born in, a graduate of.., and bla bla bla. People are always in relation to things and person. I cannot even grasp the identity of the self. It is something so hard to explain. The me can be my iPod, my body, my dreams, and my hopes, or may be my being a music director. They associate me with the piano, or the editing softwares I am using, or the console. Sometimes people think of me when they hear the word "conductor", "recording","DJ", "Baton", "Turntable", or many other related to me.

People can describe me as intelligent, thin, noisy, loud, expressive, ex-sem, aspiring cadet but never was. These words all speaks of me. Nonetheless, I can't really figure out the way I am. Yet sometimes we have to be content of what people say about us. How they knew us is probably the fact about us. the fact about me is those that people say about me.

From time to time, we need to do reality checks about our lives. About who we are. That is what the master shinobi Jiraiya did in his whole lifetime--searching for who he really was and his destiny. I know we are not destined. We are the ones who creates it. But the more we become adept to ourselves the more we lessen the complexities that entangles us.

Jesus in the Gospel really wants to know how people recognize Him and His identity. he wants to know if they are aware of His mission. He wants to know if they are aware of His destiny. And when Peter pronounced that He is the Messiah, the Christ of God,He explained that He will have to suffer. He explained to them the identity of His followers. He explained to them that it will be very impossible to follow Him without knowing who He really is and what the mission entails.

He said, those who are willing to follow Him must take up their crosses, deny themselves and leave everything as they follow the Lord.

It is by way saying a call to discipleship introduced by means of the first HR experience. Jesus is the greatest HR officer. Everytime a person applies for a job the HR manager has to ask him or her about how much she or he know him/herself. When faced in a delicate, emergency or depressing situation... what would the applicant do. It is a sort of interview and a review of what the person learned in the past years he or she is sent to mission searching for an answer like Jeriaya, like the 72 discples, like me.

It is one way for the evangelist to tell us that in the end Jesus will be asking me this question. How much do you know me back when you were on earth? A question Jesus will ask me and by that time I must have known Him more than I know myself.

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